Everyone has an opinion about what the US should or should not be doing vis-a-vis the nascent revolution in Iran.In a recent interview, Michael Ledeen a long-time expert on Iran remarked that the freedom fighters would be greatly aided in their struggle by having satellite phones that would allow them to communicate with each other and the outside world, and not be subject to government blackouts. Sherman's March is now raising money to do this very thing. We have a way to get the equipment into Iran. Let us, the American people stand with the Iranian people in the struggle for liberty that they are dying for. These are not throw-away cells phones, they are not cheap. Please examine your heart, then reach into your wallet and make a donation. The Iranian freedom-fighters want the world's help. Let us as Americans, as the residents of the "shining city on a hill" lead the free people of the world in helping the people of Iran in their noble, righteous cause.
If this is true it is unbelievable. This man really has quite an opinion of his own importance.Read it for yourself.Go here
6644 Vet
I came ashore as a member of the 29th Inf. Div. on Omaha Beach. Some of my friends are buried in that French soil. As I approach the day God mercifully allowed me to avoid that morning, the United States president is denying me a chance to pay final respects to my fallen comrades? Shame on you Mr. President.
This is really appalling. What's next? Is he going to ban visitors to the Tomb of the Unknowns when he lays a wreath on Memorial Day? Is he even going to lay a wreath? And the left actually gets put off when they are called un-patriotic. It is things like this that make that charge seem true.
The President needs security! Because of Bush there are still a lot of people who hate America and want to hurt Americans. it is about security for the president. You people are cave men.
As the article points out Bush made a similar trip for the 60th anniversary. And he only had the security provided by the Secret Service and whatever security the French government provided. June 6, 1944 could rightly be called the most important day of the 20th century. Russia could make a valid claim for Nov. 19, 1942, the day the counter-attack in defense of Stalingrad began. But for the West no single day in the 20th century was of greater consequence. Anyone and everyone who wants to go to Normandy to honor those who fell there, remember their sacrifice and celebrate their victory must be allowed to do so. What kind of slap in the face is it, not only to the American vets, but to the British, Canadian and French veterans and their fellow countrymen, if they are also denied their right to commemorate the day? Is this going to improve America's prestige on the world stage? If Obama thinks his presence requires ordinary visitors to be shut out, he should bow out of the ceremonies and send a sub-ordinate. It would be the honorable thing to do. Isn't that what Vice President are for? Fit Biden for a muzzle and send him.
I came ashore as a member of the 29th Inf. Div. on Omaha Beach. Some of my friends are buried in that French soil. As I approach the day God mercifully allowed me to avoid that morning, the United States president is denying me a chance to pay final respects to my fallen comrades? Shame on you Mr. President.
This is really appalling. What's next? Is he going to ban visitors to the Tomb of the Unknowns when he lays a wreath on Memorial Day? Is he even going to lay a wreath? And the left actually gets put off when they are called un-patriotic. It is things like this that make that charge seem true.
The President needs security! Because of Bush there are still a lot of people who hate America and want to hurt Americans. it is about security for the president. You people are cave men.
As the article points out Bush made a similar trip for the 60th anniversary. And he only had the security provided by the Secret Service and whatever security the French government provided. June 6, 1944 could rightly be called the most important day of the 20th century. Russia could make a valid claim for Nov. 19, 1942, the day the counter-attack in defense of Stalingrad began. But for the West no single day in the 20th century was of greater consequence. Anyone and everyone who wants to go to Normandy to honor those who fell there, remember their sacrifice and celebrate their victory must be allowed to do so. What kind of slap in the face is it, not only to the American vets, but to the British, Canadian and French veterans and their fellow countrymen, if they are also denied their right to commemorate the day? Is this going to improve America's prestige on the world stage? If Obama thinks his presence requires ordinary visitors to be shut out, he should bow out of the ceremonies and send a sub-ordinate. It would be the honorable thing to do. Isn't that what Vice President are for? Fit Biden for a muzzle and send him.
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