Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Welcome Andrew Price and LawhawkSF

I'd like to officially welcome AndrewPrice and LawhawkSF to Sherman's March as our new contributors. Both men are insightful observers of the passing scene. Their well reasoned and pithy commentary on events and trends make this place better. They can also be very funny. So read their stuff. You'll be glad you did. Hail fellows! And well met! -Auguste


Patti said...

you had me at pithy.

Patti said...

^ dadgum it. it's me, not a wonk (patti).

AndrewPrice said...

"you had me at pithy" -- LOL!

Hi Patti!

Auguste Ballz said...

I've never even been to Pithy. It wasn't me.

tshillue said...

Excellent. Love all of Andrew and LawhawkSF 's comments–Even when they are tearing me a new one over at BH. I'll bookmark Sherman's March!

Auguste Ballz said...

Thanks tshillue! And please, tell your friends.

AndrewPrice said...

Tom,thanks for the kind words. I've always enjoyed your stuff, even when we disagree!:-)

Please feel free to tear me (us) up whenever you feel like. We don't offend easily!

SQT said...

I got this one bookmarked too. Love both Andrew and Lawhawk.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks sqt, you're making me blush! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying seeing everyone here, and thanks for the compliments. I do have to let you know that you really got to Andrew. The last time he blushed, the judge had just told the jury to ignore the fact that Mr. Price's zipper was down.

AndrewPrice said...


LOL! I was only blushing because the judge had exposed my trial strategy -- distract the jury.

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